To design and install a CHP plant capable of generating 55,000kg/hour or 34 MW of heating steam to service the needs
of the building forming the newly completed Foresterhill Health Campus Energy Centre.
Installation of a three Cochran Dual Fuel Boilers and one Waste Heat Recovery unit, working alongside an existing Gas
Turbine and wood chip-fired Biomass Boiler.
The facility's three Cochran boilers and a biomass boiler have enabled the Campus to be completely self-sufficient in
terms of heating. It also generates 90% of its electricity requirement using a gas turbine. The Cochran Heat
Recovery Boiler scavenges the exhaust heat of the turbine to generate additional 'free' steam.
Foresterhill Health Campus Energy Centre
Having previously supplied Aberdeen Royal Infirmary with steam boilers back in 1986, Cochran were contracted to
provide the main steam generation equipment for the new Foresterhill Health Campus Energy Centre. Commissioned
in June, the plant was operational by August 2012.
The energy centre provides heat in the form of steam to the Campus buildings. The facility combines a Biomass
Boiler, installed by Cochran biomass partners Scot Heat & Power. This is fired with locally sourced
woodchips generating 1.5MW. There are also three conventionally fired dual fuel Cochran Boilers and a Cochran
Heat Recovery unit which generate a total of 34MW / 55,000kg/hour of steam.
Gas Turbine
The Foresterhill Energy Centre also features a Gas Turbine which generates 5.3MW, or around 90% of all the
electricity required by the Campus. The exhaust heat generated by the turbine is captured using Cochran's Heat
Recovery Boiler which turns it into approximately 8.5MW of additional 'free' heating steam for the Campus.