The BOAS training is a five-day classroom-based course we offer to practicing boiler house operators, those managing the boiler house and its operators. All those sitting the BOAS course must have at least 6 months practical experience in the boiler house, as the course is all classroom based, we need to prove competency and the only way to do this is through a written evidence pack.
For those sitting the operator award all evidence must show your personal involvement with the boiler plant on company letter headed paper and must be signed by yourself and countersigned or approved by your manager. Elements such as working to start-up and shut-down procedures, checking water level controls and water quality, carrying out routine checks and maintenance and any other physical tasks required in the boiler house. All evidence for the manager award must be on letter headed paper and must clearly show you signing off the paperwork as the manager, this means signing off any work from the operators including daily/weekly checks, water testing, control logs etc. The manager can also include any procedures or risk assessments they have produced.
The evidence pack should not be any more than 15-20 pages and will be rejected if large quantities are sent through.
We offer the training on-site if you have a minimum of four delegates however if you only require training for one or two delegates, we advise attending one of our open courses here in Annan.
If you want additional information, please contact us.
What will the delegate learn?
Under PUWER it is a legal requirement to train staff to operate all equipment. The BG01 (safe operation of boilers) requires boiler operators to be trained to BOAS. The Combustion Engineering Association has devised a scheme recognised by industry, insurers and HSE, which provides a comprehensive qualification for operators and managers of industrial and commercial boiler plant. The ultimate aim of the course is to train and prepare delegates for passing the BOAS accreditation. In order to achieve this the delegate will go through the BOAS Syllabus:
Safety and Legal Requirements
Basic Heat and Heat Transfer Concepts
Feedwater and Boiler Water Analysis
Draught and Combustion
Energy Efficiency
Fuel Concepts
Boilers and Auxiliaries
Controls and Instrumentation