A portal frame boilerhouse is bespoke and has no size limit, making it a good solution for bigger boilers and when more than one boiler needs to be accommodated. They are largely assembled on-site, minimising on-site construction time and disruption to your operations.
Sections are pre-assembled off-site, cutting on-site construction time and minimising disruption to your facility. Based around a robust steel panel kit construction, our prefabricated units are delivered to site as a series of walls and a roof that can be rapidly built on a suitable slab to provide a compact, good looking permanent boilerhouse in minimal time.
Like any steel framed industrial unit, Cochran portal frame boilerhouses can be constructed to almost any size and design. Often utilised for applications requiring larger steam or hot water production, the Company has delivered units to house two, three or even four boilers, along with fuel storage and associated plant for a wide range of healthcare, manufacturing and processing sites.