Developed from the world-renowned and extremely popular Wee Chieftain boiler, the ST23 is a packaged steam boiler that utilises a horizontal three pass wet back design constructed in accordance with BS EN 12953. This unit offers a smaller footprint whilst maintaining high efficiency and performance, with low NOx options.
It complies with the requirements of the Factories Act (1961) and Guidance on Safe Operation of Boilers Ref: BG01 developed by the Safety Assessment Federation (SAFED) and the Combustion Engineering Association (CEA). In addition, the ST23 is UKCA, UKNI+CE, CE or ASME marked to meet the requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED), Low Voltage; Electro-Magnetic Compliance & Machinery Safety Directives. Throughout the manufacturing process, this boiler is subject to inspection by a leading Independent Insurance Company, in addition to Cochran's own ISO 9001-compliant quality procedures.